Sunday, February 19, 2012

Batch 2 Update

Time for the 2 week interval photo updates on the second batch of chicks. Two of these chicks are by Howl, and possibly two - but definitely one - are by one of Amanda Stewart's non-molting roosters that are recessive white over black.

First, we'll start with the chick we know is not Howl's, the one with Sumatra-type features. She has black shanks, yellow pads, but a straight comb. She may well be silver birchen and not black, it's hard to tell at this point. She's a huge chick.

BSP1 I really do like the way these pullets grow nice longer tails with hen saddles.

BSP2 Seconds before she launched off to fly back to her pen.

My pretty cockerel refused to face the camera. I want to get a bunch more of these red blue splash birds, I just love the color.

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